Silver's Bar and Brawl

Crystal | Brynhildr | Mists | Ward 14 | Plot 29

Welcome to the Bar and Brawl, where you can fight or drink to your hearts content. Whether you can relax by brawling all-out in our pit, enjoying a few drinks, or letting the water soak your problems away on our top floor.

Crystal | Brynhildr | Mists | Ward 14 | Plot 29
When: Every Saturday 9:00pm to 12:am EST

Silver's Rule for the Brawl

Magic, aether, weapons, fists, you name it, you can use it here. Biggest rule, don't kill your opponent(s), we can fix maiming to a degree but we can't fix dead. Bring your A-game and fight to become the King/Queen of the Brawl!We also offer a fun thing called a Three for All. No, not that. 3 potential winners enter, 1 winner leaves! Embrace the chaos and survive til the end!

Standard Matches

How we fight here:
General Steps
1. Initiative rolls are done with the /random function IG. The higher number goes first (Fighter A)
2. Fighter A would emote their attack in /shout, afterwhich they would /random to attack, with the Fighter B /random for defense roll.
a) If Fighter A has the higher roll, their attack hits and the defender emotes the hit, as well as their own attack in the same /yell emote.
b) If Fighter B has a higher roll, they defended themselves from the attack, and would, as above, emote their way of defending, be it by dodging, or using their weapon, etc. Furthermore, if the Fighter B's roll was 500 higher than Fighter A's attack roll ( A-256 vs B-872), FIghter B has a chance to counter. Both fighters wait til asked to roll again, and if Fighter B has the higher roll, they emote the block, the counter move (they get a point), and then their own attack back.
3. This will repeat until someone has 3 strikes to their opponent, or time runs out (25 minutes after first emote).
4. If time runs out, the person who as the most strikes wins, or if tied, one more /random roll to determine the winner.
5. The fighters are then asked to move themselves or get help to the medical area to get healed up by the available options.
Additional Rules and thoughts:
1. Please when determining how strong or effective the hits, please don't undersell the damage, aka, taking a kick that could fell a bear in one go by not even registering it, or oversell it, aka, you get flicked in the the forehead and you go sailing back, crashing into the wall.
2. This one should of been said first and foremost, but, ahem, No serious maiming or killing.
3. The fights will be done is shout chat.

Three for All

-Fighters have 3 HP, scoring hits doesn't dictate a win. The last fighter standing is the winner.
-Do not gang up on someone purposefully, spread out your attacks and have fun with it!
-When posting your Defense/Attack at the end of your post list your remaining HP and who you're attacking. ex: Fionel casts the biggest of fireballs at Selina. (Fio:3/Attacking Selina)
-Roll for fight intiative to determine attack order when the announcer gives the go ahead. This will dictate turn order for the rest of the fight.
-Attacks and defense will be done by the standard /random function between attacker and defender.
-There are no AOE attacks. These are confusing and mess up the whole system.
-So long as three fighters are still in the pit there will be no counters. Once one fighter has been eliminated counters are officially in play. In order to score a counter you must beat your attackers roll by 500+. When a counter is initiated both fighters roll again, if the original defender wins the roll they score a hit instead and will add their successful counter into their next post along with their following attack.
-Keep your attack and defense posts together, posting multiple times for your reactions will only clutter the log and confuse your opponents.
-If you are the first fighter out the multiple post rule no longer applies, please post your defeat and exit the arena to seek out a healer so the remaining fighters may continue unimpeded.
-After the first fighter is eliminated a 15 minute timer will begin after the first post following the elimination. As both remaining fighters will likely be sub full health, this is to prevent potential dodge fests. At the end of the end of the timer the fighter with the most HP remaining wins. In the event that both fighters are tied they they will /random to determine the victor.
-Remember this is for fun, you're welcome to bring IC grudges into these matches but be courtious whether you win or lose OOC.

Selina Silverkin
Owner of Silver's Bar and brawl, she is an avid pit fighter, using her abilities and skills she learned half a lifetime ago. She knows the shadows and they obey her as well.

Fionel Asila
A Keeper that is cursed with troubles, yet relishes in causing it at times. She loves violence even more than healing, though Fionel only behaves when she is forced to...Or if someone finds that good spot behind her ears.

A hypertune of questionable origin,
and morality.. They help out from
time to time.


Miko Mizuhiki